18.07.2019, London.
The British Prime Minister Theresa May speaking at the Royal Institute of International Affairs on July 17 expressed her disagreement with the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assessment of the state of the liberal idea.
According to her, it is a cynical lie. No one, comparing the quality of life or economic success of such liberal democracies as the United Kingdom, France, and Germany with the Russian Federation, will come to the conclusion that our system is outdated.
On June 27, 2019, Financial Times published an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In his interview, Putin said that the liberal idea “has become obsolete” and “ceases to exist.”
To ground his position, the Russian President pointed to a number of issues the European countries have significant problems in. First, it is the migrants crisis in Europe. Second, the crisis of multiculturalism policy. Third, the problem of traditional and family values, which the liberal idea undermines.
Leading politicians have recognized the collapse of the multiculturalism policy. Thus, in 2010, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the concept of multiculturalism is a failure, total failure. David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy supported her in it. At that time they were the British Prime Minister and President of France accordingly.
Editorial comment
To ground her position, Teresa May pointed to the quality of life and economic success of leading European countries. However, Putin, speaking of the fading liberal idea, did not at all touched the issues of the economy and quality of life. The Russian President spoke about the issues in social policy based on a liberal idea, as well as issues of values. Even more unconvincing is the position of the head of the UK government, if one recalls the reasons that prompted citizens of this country to vote for leaving the EU. After all, the problems caused by migration were called one of the most important reasons that pushed the British to leave the EU. Thus, Teresa May, calling the words of Vladimir Putin a cynical lie, in fact, herself is engaged in what she accuses the Russian President in.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency