19.07.2019, Moscow.
The RIA Novosti News Agency, within its project about Ukrainian secret prisons launched on June 18, published documentary evidence of brutal torture in a secret prison “Biblioteka” (“Library”) in Mariupol.
Former member of the Ukrainian Communist Party Tatyana Ganzh, Olga Seletskaya, and journalist Elena Blokha, who survived in one of the secret prisons located on the territory of the Mariupol airport, which was called “Biblioteka”, spoke about their experience.
“There [in the airport ― Rossa Primavera News Agency] no papers were filled out. They threaten that they can bring your family members, your husband, and children, and torture them in front of you. They intimidate people in order to break their will and physical condition,” Seletskaya says.
“I saw many people in the cellar of the SBU (Ukrainian Security Service ― Rossa Primavera News Agency) who survived in the Mariupol airport. They were badly beaten and injured. I heard that some did not survive the interrogations,” she reports.
“I cannot depict all the atrocities. Broken nose, the left ear not hearing… It is really hard to think about this again. I will not tell you everything… A youngster from the Ukrainian army who convoyed me to the toilet along that corridor told me that ‘another girl, whose name was Tatyana, too, was beaten to death here two days before you arrived,” Tatyana Ganzh recalls.
RIA Novosti also reports that the Investigative Directorate of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is investigating nine criminal cases under Part 1, Article 427 of the DPR Criminal Code, The Use of Prohibited Means and Methods of Warfare. All the nine complainants suffered from unlawful actions committed by SBU officials who used torture when interrogating suspects: electric shocks, suffocation with a plastic bag, and waterboarding.
In March 2019, at the Russia Today press center, SBU ex-lieutenant colonel Vasily Prozorov told journalists about the secret prison in the Mariupol airport, about torture used there, and about secret graves of those who were executed or tortured to death.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency