Comment on recent protests in Paris

On October 18, there were riots in Paris during protests against Macron’s economic policies and the decline in living standards in the country.

According to the organizers, 140,000 people gathered in the capital, which the police did not expect.

Who would have thought? If the French government continues to propagate saving on electricity, gas, fuel, offers its citizens to wear fur coats and winter footwear while staying at home, and raises the price of living, what else should ordinary citizens do?

59% of the population believes that they are already saving enough on gas, electricity and food and that they can do no more.

Workers at the Cordeme CHP plant, near Nantes, turned off electricity generation, blocked the CHP plant’s door using a spade, and left to protest in St. Nazaire (where the shipyards and wind turbine plant are on strike).

And if they also close some of the railroad lines because of skyrocketing electricity prices, one should expect a march of protesters on Paris? The plan was to march on Moscow, wasn’t it? But something went wrong…

Translated from

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