Russian Armed Forces liberate five villages in Kharkov Region

11.05.2024, Moscow.

Five villages were liberated over the past 24 hours during the Russian army offensive in Kharkov Region, and another one in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Russian Defense Ministry said on May 11.

According to the Defense Ministry, Borisovka, Ogurtsovo, Pletenyovka, Pylnaya and Strelechya were liberated so far. In addition, the village of Keramik in the DPR was liberated.

“The enemy’s losses for the day amounted to up to 170 fighters,” the ministry said in a statement. The Ukrainian armed units also suffered losses in equipment – three armored vehicles, four cars, Vampire MLRS, eight artillery pieces and two Buk missile system were destroyed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency