09.10.2022, Mariupol.
As a result of six months of hard work by specialists from the Donetsk People’s Republic, the water supply to all four districts of the city of Mariupol has been restored, said the director of the Mariupol branch of the DPR State Unitary Enterprise ‘Donbass Water’ Sergey Koval, reports the Donetsk News Agency on October 9.
Koval said that “at the beginning of May, due to our joint efforts, we managed to bring the Starokrymskaya water filtration station and the pumping station of the 2nd lift into operation“. And since the middle of May, as he reported, the centralized water supply of two districts of Mariupol – Oktyabrsky and Primorsky was already restored.
“As of today the water is supplied to all four city districts” Koval reported, having added that water is supplied to 18 schools of the city, 10 hospitals, 17 kindergartens and two thousand apartment buildings.
According to Koval, within a few months, from May 2022 to September 2022, DPR specialists repaired 8 water pumping stations, 21 booster stations and 15 sewage pumping stations.
They have resolved over six thousand emergency situations in the water supply and sewage networks, and replaced about two thousand meters of water supply networks and over a thousand meters of sewage networks. According to Koval, water has been supplied to 32 municipal boilers.
The city of Mariupol was liberated from Kiev invaders on May 20, 2022. During the liberation of the city, the residential buildings and infrastructure were heavily damaged.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency