13.12.2020, Moscow.
The act introducing the status of foreign agent for physical persons is necessary to prevent events in Russia similar to those taking place in the former republics of the USSR, Director of President’s Department for Social Projects Sergey Novikov said on December 16 speaking at a plenary meeting of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.
According to the official, this bill is in the focus of a wide discussion. Many advocate for it, and may oppose. “However, as this bill prevents interference in the Russian domestic policy from abroad, we have both the possibility and the right to implement these restrictive mechanisms in order to counter foreign influence,” Novikov explained.
He also noted that other developed countries have similar laws as their states defend themselves from foreign influence. This is especially relevant for Russia as it has had negative examples when appropriate measures were not taken.
The Kremlin definitely understands this. “If we fail to address this and leave our social life under foreign control, then we will get a situation like the one we see in the former republics of the USSR, which would not be good for us,” Novikov added.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency