08.03.2024, Moscow.
The West is escalating hatred to Russia in order to ensure “the final solution of the Russian question”, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on February 22 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.
The political scientist noted that “the final solution of the Russian question is the West’s priority and main goal.” All other topics are simply variations of this one.
Kurginyan explained that the US is no longer happy with the globalization that it initiated itself, because it is mostly profitable for China. And the Chinese economy is reaching number one position in the world. For a military victory against China, the US needs defeated Russia and the Russian territory.
“They have lost their world. It is not someone else rising and saying, ‘We do not need your globalist world at all.’ No one says that. They are the ones who are canceling it; they have lost it. And this is the key to understanding what is taking place. Because all their further moves, their Munich conferences etc. are products of this formation of a new strange bipolar world, which can only be formed for the sake of a war to come after it,” the leader of Essence of Time said.
Kurginyan noted that Western politicians, however miserly they are, continue pumping up hatred against Russia. They are trying to make it irreversible. And, according to him, this is not about specifically Putin or another leader.
“The point is that this is hatred towards the country, the Russians as such. It is being ideologically escalated. There is hardly any outlet or think tank in the West that has not yet said that a war between NATO and Russia is coming,” the political scientist stressed.
Sergey Kurginyan added that, along with the escalation of hatred, the West increases its military expenses, which is far more serious than just conversations.
In Nazi Germany, “the final solution” of the Jewish question referred to the mass elimination of Germany’s Jewish population.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency