09.03.2024, Moscow.
A Ukrainian prisoner of war explained the essence of psychological indoctrination of Ukrainian fighters by British psychologists on a video provided by the Russian Defense Ministry on March 9.
“Psychologists indoctrinate us to make us dislike Russian soldiers and all Russians in general, to kill them and treat them harshly if we took them prisoner,” a fighter of the 24th brigade of the Ukrainian armed units Vladimir Buchok said.
At the same time, the quality of the equipment given to the Ukrainian fighters was so low that the body armor could be punctured with a knife.
In addition, Vladimir Buchok reported about the very poor supply of Ukrainian troops, which led to mass looting, encouraged by Ukrainian officers. It even came so far that furniture taken from the population was used for firewood.
On 24 February, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the start of a military special operation in Ukraine to demilitarize and denazify it.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency