17.02.2024, Moscow.
There are reasons why the West wants to destroy Iran, stated political scientist, analyst, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on February 9 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda channel.
“The scenario is not as simple as it may seem: ‘Bibi Netanyahu doesn’t like Iran, Iran doesn’t like Israel.’ They all say: ‘Death to Zionism’ and so on… Too many people say ‘Death to Zionism’ in order for it all of a sudden to become such an important component of this whole game. Therefore, we are talking about something else. Then what is it?” – Kurginyan asks the question.
In fact, the whole point is that Iran is the only truly ancient nation-state, emphasized the political scientist.
“It is a very strong nation state, standing on the foundation of the great Persian culture of the pre-Islamic period and uniting the spirit of the great Persian state before Islam with the spirit of the Islamic country. It is a very durable structure, the strongest in the Middle East. A construct that wants and always wanted what? This is very important,” Kurginyan explained.
“Once upon a time there was a Shah of Iran who was overthrown in the late 1970s. This Shah of Iran adored Israel and America. He bowed to them, he said that they were his favorite brothers, he was faithful to all his obligations. And, Carter overthrew him.
Brzezinski and Carter overthrew him. Or, more precisely, they participated in it furiously. Khomeini was brought to power with the help of organizations such as the Safari Club, the closed Paris’ elites,” recalled the political scientist.
Kurginyan said that when one of his acquaintances, a general, came to Iran in order to raise an army against radical Islam, it suddenly turned out that this was not a priority for the US, they were changing it.
“And then this general, like most of the Iranian military officers under the Shah, fled the country. It was clear that the US then betrayed the Shah in the same way as it recently betrayed Afghanistan,” the analyst continued.
The analyst is convinced that the history of the Shah of Iran and the history of the Taliban (organization banned in Russia) coming to power in Afghanistan is not an accidental betrayal by the US of its allies.
“For some reason, something else was necessary, and the old doctrine (by the way, Brzezinski and his influence is not a thing of the past, his school is around, support for his doctrine remains) meant that it was not a democracy, not something normal that was needed in Afghanistan, but what would be needed is radical Islam,” Kurginyan is sure.
He believes that this was a typical, fundamental US doctrine that no one abandoned. According to the political scientist, in Iran the US had great hopes that “unlike the Shah, who dreamed of Iranian modernization… Khomeini would return Iran to the Middle Ages and religious fanaticism.”
“But Khomeini did not do this. He started talking about Iranian technological development again. Mullahs, no mullahs – does not matter; whoever comes to Iran wants one thing — for Iran to be a great national power,” emphasizes Kurginyan.
“They are afraid of only one thing about Iran – and it is not radicalism. They are afraid that Iran will develop technologically and become one of the great and stable world players who will support and defend powerful nation states…
Hence, neither it is needed in some pro-Western version like Reza Pahlavi, nor in the version of Khomeini’s successors. “Iran is not needed in either case — it is superfluous, because it is a powerful national player in a region where such players should not exist,” concluded the leader of the Essence of Time movement.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency