15.02.2024, Berlin.
The majority of Germans are against Ukraine’s accession to the EU. This follows from a public opinion poll by the Bertelsmann Foundation, the DPA news agency wrote on February 14.
According to the Bertelsmann Foundation poll, 52% of German citizens are against Ukraine’s accession to the EU. At the same time, about 60% of the EU citizens favor Kiev’s accession.
When asked whether the EU needs a common defense policy, both in Germany and the EU as a whole responded almost identically. In Germany, 86% of respondents answered in the affirmative, while across the EU, it is 87%.
“If there is a change of government in the USA, Europe will face serious uncertainty in security policy,” said Isabell Hoffmann, an expert at the Bertelsmann Foundation, commenting on the survey results.
“An absolute majority in the EU is in favor of a European defense policy and supports EU political decision-makers who want to deal decisively with the much-needed strengthening of its security,” Hoffmann noted.
Every three months, citizens in all EU member states are polled on European topics using the public opinion research tool eupinions.
The survey is representative of the EU as a whole as well as the member states of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency