Estonian Customs report more than 500 companies continue to do business with Russia

03.09.2023, Estonia.

Some 500 to 600 Estonian companies are still doing business with Russia a year and a half after the start of the SMO, Külli Kurvits, head of customs formalities at the Estonian Tax and Customs Board, said, ERR reported on September 3.

About 75% or even more of the volume of goods we see at our border are goods of the companies from other EU countries. Goods of Estonian origin were exported to Russia before the war for up to 31 million euros a month. In June, this figure amounted to 9.5 million euros,” Kurvits explained.

Among the companies that continue to supply goods and services to Russia, some are branches of international companies whose Estonian management does not have a decisive voice in decision-making. A number of companies were originally focused on exports to Russia, and an abrupt withdrawal from the eastern direction would mean the shutdown of their business and mass layoffs of employees.

The issue of cooperation between Estonian business and Russian partners came to the attention of the local media when it turned out that the family of Prime Minister Kai Kallas owned a company still doing business with Russia. The scandal arose because Kallas, as head of the government, has repeatedly spoken out strongly in favor of severing all economic relations with Russia.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency