Kurginyan explains what is Russia’s “strategic card”

03.03.2023, Aleksandrovskoye, Russia

To win the war that has been imposed on it, Russia has to change, and therein lies its strategic card, said philosopher, political scientist, leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on the Right to Know program on the TVC TV channel on February 18.

Kurginyan noted that today a war has been imposed on Russia, and it is obliged to win. According to the political scientist, powerful weapons are not enough for this, but it is necessary to change all the lifestyle.

You can’t cling to hypersonic missiles and all our other achievements… You cling to it when you lack the inner drive to change every molecule of Russian life – persistently and to the very end,” he said.

The political scientist added that this kind of change is our “super nuclear weapon“. This, he said, is what Russia’s enemies fear the most.

Kurginyan stressed that the country is waking up very slowly, losing month after month. He drew attention to the lack of organization, to the absent-mindedness at the frontline and in the rear.

At the same time, in his opinion, no one directly tells to what extent the entire life of Russia must change. As the political analyst notes, these changes “will have to be implemented with 130-140 million relatively lax people,” who “are being gently guided onto the new track“.

At the same time, Kurginyan explained that in the current situation Russia does not have enough population, as well as insufficient gross domestic product. He emphasized the need for an accelerated military industrialization of the country.

All of this, it seems to me, is the real undefeatable, strategic card of Russia, which politics are afraid to take out of their pocket,” summarized the political scientist.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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