22.04.2020, New York.
The Ukrainian delegation blocked the initiative to soften the unilateral sanctions regime in the global economy, which was put forward by the Russian delegation to the United Nations, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitriy Kulyeba wrote on Facebook on 22 April.
The minister said that from the Ukrainian politics’ point of view, the initiative and resolution proposed by Russia at the UN General Assembly aimed at easing the sanctions in the face of the pandemic is manipulative. Ukraine was unable to keep silent and opposed the adoption of the resolution.
“As I promised at the beginning of April, together with our partners, we will continue to block Russia’s attempts to destroy the sanctions regimes,” Dmitriy Kulyeba said.
The minister is confident that the easing of sanctions will not bring any practical benefits to the combat against the disease.
On April 3, 2020, a Ukrainian delegation blocked a previous version of the resolution proposed by Russia and supported by 28 other countries.
The idea of the resolution is to stop unilateral sanctions, which have been introduced without the approval of the UN Security Council, in the time when the coronavirus pandemic is developing in the world.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency