20.03.2024, Moscow.
The Russian Defense Ministry will form and replenish the Russian army with several new combat-ready units by the end of this year, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on March 20 in a report at a meeting of top commanders, Zvezda TV channel informed.
Shoigu noted that the Russian Defense Ministry intends to form two general armored armies and thirty formations, including fourteen divisions and sixteen brigades.
The Defense Minister noted that the Russian Armed Forces had already formed the Dnepr River Flotilla, including a brigade of river motorboats, an army corps, and a motorized rifle division by decree of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
Shoigu also noted that the Russian Army will henceforth continue to develop the army’s combat capabilities commensurate with threats to the country’s military security.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency