20.03.2024, Moscow.
The case of the leaked conversation between German officers regarding the preparation for a missile strike aimed at the Crimean Bridge shows the character and qualities of the modern West, said political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on March 5 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.
“This acting like loose cannons shows the extent of debauchery and permissiveness,” noted the political scientist.
If officers allow themselves to behave this way, with such an attitude towards maintaining secrecy, discussing such issues in public on the foreign territory, “then this small event called ‘you can act as you like’ cannot be anything else but a microcosm identifying a certain macrocosm,” Kurginyan believes.
“I know what Kissinger or Brzezinski are about, I can name ten or twelve other major active figures. Say – Condoleezza Rice – I know what she is about, I can understand who she is. I don’t understand who Blinken is.
These people are like some new varieties of fish swimming in new waters. Maybe they sniff something every morning… or maybe, due to their gender peculiarities, they are prone to being excessively chatty,” said Kurginyan.
“Something is rotten” in the US, and not only there, noted Kurginyan. According to him, what’s rotting has long been called postmodernism, which is a combination of debauchery and blood thirst.
On March 1, the conversation between high-ranking German officers was made public, during which they discussed an attack at the Crimean Bridge using long-range missiles.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency