05.03.2024, Moscow.
The technology of cooling the power electronic converters of hydrogen aircraft using their own fuel has been developed by scientists of Institute No 3 “Control Systems, Informatics and Electric Power Engineering” of the Moscow Aviation Institute, RIA Novosti wrote on March 5, citing information received from the university’s press service.
“A technology that will make it possible to reduce the mass and increase the energy efficiency of promising hydrogen-fueled airplanes was created,” the university said.
The scientists noted that using hydrogen for cooling will increase the converter’s efficiency compared to existing cooling methods. They consider such engine hybridization as a promising direction for the development of the aviation industry.
According to the Moscow Aviation Institute, now water or other liquids are used for cooling, which increases the mass of the device. The use of hydrogen will be more efficient, as this fuel is already necessary for the airplane. In addition, the ultra-low temperature increases electrical conductivity and reduces ripples, which reduces the rate of fuel consumption.
It is reported that scientists have already tested a prototype of the new cryogenic converter, and the implementation is being worked out. The technology could also be applied to other industries that use liquefied gas.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency