18.02.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.
A conflict between Israel and Iran would threaten a nuclear war, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on February 9 on the program Conversation with a Sage on channel Zvezda.
“We face a very complicated geopolitical situation based on a confrontation between Iran and Israel that someone escalates. But this confrontation can end with nothing but a nuclear world war,” Kurginyan said.
According to the political scientist, the only thing Russia can do, if it wants Middle East to be “non-toxic” to any extent, is facilitate a rapprochement between Israel and Iran.
“Any other games, e.g. whether the Israeli military will kill more HAMAS members or not, make no difference,” the analyst believes.
Kurginyan stressed that Israel in its war in Gaza Strip has lost in a way that could not be expected.
“The boasted Israeli army, which has totally decayed inside the Israeli consumerism… cannot accomplish a military mission… it cannot occupy the territory. Meanwhile, we all know that major troubles, as it happened in Iraq, begin after the territory is occupied. And then you can throw all those Patriots and Iron Domes in the garbage,” the analyst explained.
According to Kurginyan, the world faces a threat of a real world war focused around the conflict between Iran and Israel. And the only way to escape it is to resolve this conflict or at least to mitigate it.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency