17.02.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.
Iran is in a complicated geopolitical situation, and it cannot afford a major war with Israel, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on February 9 on the program Conversation with a Sage on channel Zvezda.
“The hatred between Israel and Iran is only escalating. At the same time we can see that Iran is reluctant to become involved in a major war. This is not among its current priorities. If it were, Hezbollah would be making another kind of attacks,” Kurginyan noted.
The political scientist reminded that Iran is a Shia country, and “it is in quite a complicated situation towards the entire Islamic world.” Also, Iran has even greater contradictions with its neighboring states than it has within the Islamic world.
“Regardless of any discussion that the world is changing and that everyone pursues his own interests the way he wants, history and the past are irrevocable… As for the Iran-Turan conflict, it stems from much older eras than the era of Shia and Sunni, so the relations between Iran and Turkey are another complicated domain,” the political scientist said.
Also, Kurginyan notes, Turkey’s potential involvement in the conflict is not only a religious or historical matter for Iran.
“Turkey, with which, thank God, our relations are not as bad as they could have been… And we should welcome this; however, it is a NATO member state, while Iran is a target for NATO,” the leader of Essence of Time concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency