08.10.2022, Aleksandrovskoye.
Russia has only a few months to bring into action highly-motivated, well-trained and well-equipped structures, said political scientist, philosopher and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on October 5 on the air of the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.
“If we fail to achieve this victory we will face genocide, dismemberment [of Russia], and we will have no future, do you understand? Those who believe that after such a failure they can survive and now write some stupid scenarios of what will come afterwards – there will be no ‘afterwards’!” the political scientist warns.
Kurginyan stressed that “now we have only three or four months at best to correct the situation and to bring into action highly-motivated, well-trained and well-equipped major structures.” In order to accomplish this, people of an absolutely different formation and ideology are needed.
To this end, it is important to tell the truth about the special military operation (SMO) to the public and to timely recognize and correct any mistakes. To correct mistakes, people capable of working in a different manner are needed.
“This cannot be done with these hands. They cannot do it. They are good in giving kickbacks or replacing stickers. We need to find people now. Without destroying the current system, no way, we remember Gorbachev’s disasters. But we should add something to it to create something different. Instead of talking about how everything is fine,” Kurginyan said.
“Tell the truth. Anyone who tells it is doing right. Do not throw dust in people’s eyes. Speak tough and believe in our victory – after these corrections are made,” the political scientist concluded.
Previously, Sergey Kurgynian noted that officials seeking only their personal enrichment can only “mobilize” for the same sort of enrichment even in a situation that is the most difficult to Russia.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency