Latin America reacts to Russia's special operation – features

19.04.2022, Moscow.

Today we wanted to talk about the reactions of Spain and Latin America to the special operation in Ukraine. Basically, the Spanish and Latin American press are broadcasting the same position as the rest of the Western press. Mostly. This does not apply, of course, to Venezuela and Cuba.

For the rest, everywhere else, in all countries, the press is a globalized media that broadcast the agenda that we are all familiar with from the operation in Ukraine.

Nevertheless, the situation that surprises all of us – aggressive, false accusations, with large false information campaigns, active Russophobia, persecution of Russians of a “pre-Nazi” nature – cannot but surprise not only us.

It surprises many people.

The only thing is that these people are not really heard, because the media is not in their hands. Nevertheless, they exist. And we want to introduce you to some vivid examples of such reactions and reflections from people in the American world.

At the end of March 2022, over 100 people signed the manifesto “Enough NATO!” The picture they provided for this manifesto: a stylized swastika is drawn next to NATO. This is how they perceive this organization.

The author of this manifesto is the historical leader of the Dominican Republic. But I stress once again: intellectuals, social activists from Latin America and Spain, signed it.

A few points from this appeal.

“The NATO organization, turned into a fighting force of illiberal capitalism, is spreading its weapons of mass destruction throughout Europe and the territories of other continents. Thus, creating a threat to the life of the sovereignty of nations and the whole world. Undoubtedly, this fact explains why the world is in such a serious political and military situation. We condemn NATO’s expansionism, the spread of its military bases around the world and, in particular, join our voices against the deployment of nuclear weapons.

Moreover, to condemn in the strongest possible terms the use of mercenaries in war by the great powers and to call for a refusal to supply military equipment especially to the opposing sides, since this contributes to the escalation of conflicts.”

This was signed back in mid-March.

And here is an example of the manifesto of a Spanish organization in support of Russia.

The organization is called (literally) Eyes for Peace. There is one very interesting point in this manifesto, which I will not warn you about beforehand, but which will explain later what kind of organizations are concerned about Russia at the moment.

“The persons listed below, in the face of unsubstantiated accusations, disqualifications, vetoes and insults against Russia promoted by various media groups, among which must be included the Spanish state media, are always in the service of the United States.

We declare our solidarity with Russia, its people, its government. Russia is part of Europe, of our history and of our culture. Literature, film and painting, science, music, ballet and most of the artistic, athletic and cultural manifestations would not be understood in Europe without Russia. Our culture is also Russian culture.

Kropotkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Kandinsky, Borodin, Stravinsky <…> Anna Karenina, Ochi Chernye and “Kalinka” – parts of European culture come from Russia.

We will never be thankful enough for Russia and all the values Russia provides, which are essential in our culture and our formation as human beings. Russia has defeated Nazism and its culture belongs to the world.

That is what we pass on to the Russian Ambassador in Spain as a sign of solidarity.” March 2022.

This manifesto is on the organization’s website. But it is obvious that the organization has leftist anarchist roots. Their culture begins with Kropotkin.

There is a federation of journalists in Peru. In early April, its vice president Ricardo Sanchez Serra published a rather large and detailed article on the federation’s website.

“Russophobia in the United States and some European countries is already so sick and paranoid that I think they want to erase Russia from the map and from history. So that it doesn’t exist. And to tell their grandchildren that there was such a bad nation, which was destroyed by the good: Captain America, Superman, Asterix and Obelix.

The distortion of historical episodes is not happening now. As we know, the victor tells history to future generations, creating great heroes in their own way. And the losers are pressed as cowards and cruel people.

I have always wondered why Europeans do not accept the Russians, who were also Europeans. One reason is that the Russians professed the Orthodox religion, that is, they were heretics, and the Europeans were Catholics, attached to the faith, and religious wars followed.”

This is how he explains the origins of hatred. A journalist in Peru discusses why Russians are not loved. His version is this, that we were Orthodox.

“Does anyone remember who defeated Napoleon and saved Europe? Russia. And the Nazis, only the USA and its allies? The propaganda is so intense that it forgets that it cost the USSR 27 million deaths to defeat the Nazis and save Europe and possibly the world again.”

And he goes on to explain why the conflict in Ukraine occurred. In his view, the Russians have suffered so much throughout their history that “the security chip is in their blood.”

“The Russians can’t blink. They can’t trust anyone. They have to sleep with their eyes open.”

The same website published an article by a Spanish entrepreneur who belongs to a very famous wealthy family in Spain Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo. Calvo-Sotelo is a rather famous family in Spain. Their father organized a major railroad company in Spain. And they are still quite famous.

He is very sensible about the conflict and the fate of Europe.
“The USA doesn’t care, but for us, Europe, it’s real suicide. Is it so hard to understand that the duty of the German government was to defend the interests of the German people. Which, obviously, is to get cheap Russian gas. And not to take an aggressive stance against an important trading partner with which it had no conflict.

Germany’s bizarre 180-degree turn, from expelling the Russian Federation from Eurovision to announcing it was sending missiles to kill Russian soldiers, led to Germany’s economic suicide, its third defeat at the hands of the United States, and the realization of the sad fact that it is still an occupied country.

Similarly, it was the Spanish government’s duty to protect the interests of the Spanish. But Spain, too, chose to sacrifice us for suicide with Germany and to protect the interests of the USA, Ukraine and the Sahara.”

The people of Latin America, in their masses, know very well who the “gringos” are, that they are willing to support Russia, despite whatever propaganda they have in Latin America.

Because all Latin American media, with the exception of a few Cuban and Venezuelan ones, support the USA and broadcast an absolutely horrible agenda.

For example, yesterday theEuro-Latin America Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) opened in Buenos Aires. 150 deputies discussed contemporary issues. Argentine Vice President Cristina Kirchner. She used to be president as well, that is, she has been in power long enough. She said, “Well, what can I tell you about NATO? There is only one thing I can say about NATO: NATO has built us a base at 400 kilometers and is telling us that this is not the territory of Argentine.”

And she complained to the UN about NATO’s expansion because NATO has set up a base in the Falkland Islands, which are now part of the UK. And Argentina considers them its own.

In general, the Argentine government, despite President Alberto Fernández’s recent visit to Russia, cannot make up its mind. It either supports or abstains from voting on anti-Russian resolutions. Depending on the pressure exerted on it.

In general, it seems to me that now it will be difficult to divide any political forces into leftist, pseudoleftist or rightist. We need to divide them according to the principle of globalism and anti-globalism, resistance to liberal globalism. Or resistance to the US domination. Because it is not clear where are the real anti-fascist forces?

For example, in Chile, both the “most leftist” recently elected president and the previous president, who is connected literally by family ties with the Pinochet dictatorship, condemned Russia. That is, both of them, apparently, are under the USA. There can be no other conclusion here.

The former leader of Bolivia Evo Morales is fighting like a lion in support of Russia. Bolivia has abstained on all anti-Russian resolutions, and when they demanded that Russia be expelled from the UN Human Rights Council, they voted against it, one of the few in Latin America. At the same time, the degree of criticism to which Bolivia was subjected can be hardly described.

All the former presidents, all the opposition were against it. Even when they were debating inside the country about whether they should have voted against it, they didn’t even mention Ukraine!

It’s about Russia fighting NATO, and Morales says quite frankly, “They want us, these politicians, to submit to NATO.” It is not about Ukraine.

Translated from,,

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