Kurginyan: The US is building a new world of disorder because it is not strong enough for anything else

26.03.2022, Moscow.

The US is no longer strong enough to maintain a new world order, therefore it turns to a disorder, a new world of disorder, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on March 22 on the Great Game program on Channel One.

They need a world disorder, since they are not enough to maintain order,” said Kurginyan.

In the US, the New World Order was the neoconservatives’ dream,” said the political scientist. He explained that after US President George W. Bush started the war in Iraq in 2003, it turned out that in regards to the global order nothing is working out.

In order to build the New World Order, the US had to become Ancient Rome again, which meant sending thousands of legionnaires into Iraq, Iran, Indonesia and other regions. “Rome had its legions everywhere, Rome built roads, Rome had created a certain order called Pax Romana,” emphasized the expert.

According to the political scientist, the US consumers are too spoiled and unable to bear the empire’s burden, while not willing to give up world domination. “That’s when the new world of disorder came about. And everyone talked about it. If they needed a New World Order, then why did they overthrow Hosni Mubarak and other leaders like him?” added the leader of the Essence of Time.

In 2005, in Cairo, Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State, spoke to the local students and announced a change of course. Then, US President George W. Bush made an announcement, and later he was supported by the Democrats. “All those who were our friends are now our enemies, and those who were our enemies are now our friends. First, this was said in Cairo, then elsewhere,” recalled Kurginyan.

The world had to learn the fact that the radical Islamists from ISIL (organization banned in the Russia) are the US’s friends, and the democratically elected President of Syria Bashar al-Assad is an enemy, added the expert.

“And why is that? Because he wants a nation state, because he wants to develop and strengthen it. And what about militants in Libya? Are these thugs better than Gaddafi, who provided a truly tangible standard of living, and continued the development of this territory?” concluded the political scientist.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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