20.09.2021, Moscow.
Some elites are already aiming at a complete transformation of the world economy under the pretext of the struggle for ecology, although it is not yet clear how humans affect ecology, Rossa Primavera News Agency editorial published on September 19 reads.
Earlier, World Bank senior environmental economist Martin Philipp Heger and PhD student at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Lucas Wachold wrote that the Middle East and North Africa must undertake a fundamental overhaul of industry and pricing policies. This needs to be done to reduce atmospheric emissions.
The scientists analyzed a chart of emission sources showing that waste burning, road vehicles, and industial processes account for about two-thirds of the emissions of 2.5 micron-sized particles and made their recommendations on that basis. They relied on statistics that emissions of this size resulted in 300,000 deaths in those countries in 2019.
“These measures are not just recommendations. The World Bank has the financial leverage to stimulate reforms in these countries.
But the proposed measures will not necessarily benefit the countries that choose to implement them. First of all, it is about the implementation of plans to decarbonize the economy, which is openly said.
Despite the fact that scientists have not yet reached a consensus on the nature of global warming and the role of humans in this process, some elites are already aiming for a complete restructuring of the world economy under the pretext of the struggle for ecology.”
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency