Kurginyan: Self-confidence and tranquility in the USSR dulled the vivid memory of the Victory

07.05.2021, Moscow.

The period of quiet that began in the Soviet Union in the 1970s dulled the vivid memory of the Great Patriotic War for a while, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on May 5 on the air of the Tema program on the Union channel of Donetsk.

“After the Victory, a period of tranquility came. It was most apparent after the 1970s, when we had reached nuclear parity with huge missiles like the ‘Satan’ etc., and it became clear that no war could directly threaten us,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

The political scientist assessed the condition of the Soviet society as “quietness full of proud confidence,” referring to the verses poet Mikhail Lermontov in this poem “The Motherland.” According to the expert, this quietness put the vividness of the impressions from the Great Patriotic War to sleep.

Kurginyan stressed that the General Secretaries of that period, Brezhnev and Chernenko, wanted to revive a certain memory of the Great Patriotic War.

According to the political scientist, the General Secretaries tried to rely on this memory as something very important.

“However, all this was veiled by a de facto existing greatness and some desire to peacefully, quietly, proudly, and decently exist in the same dignified and official manner in remembrance of our past,” the leader of Essence of Time explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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