What are US Mormons doing in Russia and the former Soviet republics?

11.03.2021, Aleksandrovskoye.

The Mormons openly say that their only goal is to fulfill their duty before the USA, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on March 8 in a special issue of this author’s broadcast The Meaning of the Game.

This is why they are most steadfast and obedient promoters of US interests, he added.

Even if Russians or Ossetians become members of this religious organization, none of them “would care for their duty before their Russian motherland or South Ossetia,” the analyst stressed. Or before Armenia, where cults have become a support base for the traitor Pashinyan, or before Ukraine or Belarus… ― any other state, he added.

“The Jesuit Order’s motto is ‘For the greater glory of God.’ And it is clear that the motto of the Mormons, which is not openly declared, although not concealed either, is ‘For the greater glory of the USA,’” Kurginyan added.

Then why, the political scientist wonders, even after the US has declared Russia to be its main enemy, do the Russian authorities and security services keep standing idly, while various Mormon and other sorts of activity is carried out for the greater glory of the USA, which means against Russia?

This activity includes illegal border crossings, infiltration of security facilities, collection of confidential information, organization of active operations, and recruitment of military servicemen from the elite airborne divisions of the Russian army. However, this is not the whole story, “although even this would be enough,” the analyst noted.

“Another thing is taking place as well! Operations are underway, which are aimed at confidential relations, not with boys, who the recruiters hypnotized about studying English and learning about the Mormon doctrine. Operations are underway aimed at establishing confidential relations with a very different kind of people, who hold various positions. And this work is usually performed by experts who are not beginners in the field… There are more serious people involved in more serious matters,” Kurginyan stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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