15.12.2020, Moscow.
The US intelligence community’s claim about a “new insidious hacking” of US agencies and companies by “Russian hackers” is a pass to the new White House administration, American studies expert and political analyst Dmitry Drobnitsky wrote on his Telegram channel on December 15.
“Once again, just like in 2016, US intelligence agencies in alliance with the mainstream Western media are unanimously claiming that Russia is proved to be responsible for yet another cyberattack on democracy. The difference, however, is that within a month the carriers of the idea of ‘Russian hacking’ will be in full power,” the expert noted.
In his opinion, one may blame US intelligence community for anything but inability to perceive political conjuncture; if intelligence agencies say Russians are to be blamed, it means the global superiors need it.
He stressed that the cybersphere has become not just a playing field of intelligence and military agencies, but to an even greater extent, it has become a space of digital oligopoly of transnational corporations (TNCs). “And these TNCs will continue to tighten the screws inside and outside the web. Those who do not agree with them will be banned, sanctioned and excluded from public life, which for the most part now takes place virtually. And whose fault is that? The Russians, of course!” Drobnitsky disclosed his opinion.
“This is very convenient. When citizens of the ‘Free World’ are outraged by the domination of liberal censorship and other totalitarian activities of the IT giants on the web, they will be explained that Russia is to be blamed for this, and they are only defending themselves. The Russians attacked, Google, Amazon, Facebook and others defend them,” the expert noted.
He informed that the new White House administration includes many people from digital oligopolies – Ron Klain, head of Biden’s administration, is himself a lobbyist for IT corporations. “The administration will act in their interests. And the fact that accusations against Russia of another ‘hacking of democracy’ have been adjusted to Biden’s ‘final victory’ is no coincidence,” the political scientist noted.
Drobnitsky believes that the TNCs are determined against Moscow, they “got rid of Trump and now they’re up to us. Which was certainly to be expected.”
The Washington Post reported that hacker groups APT29 and Cozy Bear, allegedly working for Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, were behind the attacks on the US Treasury Department servers that resulted in many data leaks to an unknown destination, including email employees’ correspondence within the agency and with related parties.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency