02.09.2019, Cairo.
Egyptian and Russian representatives signed an agreement to purchase 50 MiG-35 jet fighters, National Interest reports on August 24.
The deal was made in April 2015. This is the largest deal in the post-Soviet era, notes the publication.
According to the source, the contract is worth up to $2 billion. The Egyptian side should receive the fighters by 2020.
Experts at the National Interest stated that the MiG-35 fighters“pack a punch.”
MiG-35 is highly effective because it is capable of tracking up to 30 targets at any time, operating over land and sea, landing in extreme conditions, while having immense firepower at its disposal, said the US experts. According to experts, most importantly, the MiG-35 is essentially a 5th generation fighter jet that competes with F-35, even though it is a further development on the MiG-29 model which belongs to the 4th generation of the jet fighters.
Russian engineers rank it as a generation 4++ fighter jet.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency