14.11.2018, Odessa.
The police detained a criminal group that kept about 100 people in slavery in the Odessa region. Head of the National Police, Sergey Knyazev wrote announced this from his Facebook page on November 12.
According to his report, a male Georgian citizen married to a female Ukrainian citizen, had organized an agricultural enterprise, where about a hundred people had worked for free over the course of several years.
Knyazev also said that the spouses organized a criminal group of 13 people, who “were searching for vulnerable people and promising them work, a stable salary of 450-500 hryvnas per day, accommodation and meals.” At the same time, criminals received 500 hryvnas (about 1,200 rubles) for every recruit.
“Upon arrival the victims were deprived of their documents and cell-phones, and forced to work in the field 13 hours a day. There was no salary, of course. Those who disobeyed faced beating,” Knyazev said.
The police searched the detainees and seized weapons, Mercedes-Benz and BMW automobiles, as well as one million hryvnas.
In September, law enforcement agencies in the Zaporozhye region exposed a criminal scheme, organized by officials from the Center for Disabled Persons. The investigation showed that the head of the Center and at least two of his colleagues forced disabled patients with mental illnesses to work on land plots of local deputies for free.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency