New Ukrainian demand: Close Bosporus for Russia
Ukraine will address the international community with a request o close the Bosporus Strait for Russian ships
International News
Ukraine will address the international community with a request o close the Bosporus Strait for Russian ships
Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko could share the same fate as his predecessor, Viktor Yanukovich
Members of AutoMaidan Odessa and Maidan’s Self-Defense Odessa groups are blocking Russian trucks and taking off their license plates
Ukrainian servicemen deliberately intruded into Russian territorial waters
An evacuation plan and procedures in the event that martial law is declared in the country were approved in Ukraine 21 days prior to the current events near the city of Kerch
The Spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged her Western colleagues to send a message to Ukraine to stop its provocative actions
The Ukrainian elite, not the people, wants war with Russia
The Ukrainian side is constantly craving provocations against Russia
While bombing terrorists in the city of Hajin, located in the Syrian province of Deir-ez-Zor, the US-led coalition killed 20 civilians
A representative from Les Editions Delga, a publishing house in France, joined a protest which was organized by the Essence of Time social movement against honoring Solzhenitsyn