Kurginyan: Trump is an attempt to save US Modernity

24.01.2025, Aleksandrovskoye.

Election of Donald Trump as US President is “an attempt to save US modernity”, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on December 27 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

“Trump is an attempt to save US modernity,” Kurginyan explained. “And Orban is an attempt to save Hungarian modernity. And Le Pen is an attempt to save French modernity. This is not fascism yet,” he emphasized.

The political scientist also explained that “all these sufferers, from Mubaraks to Assads, or Husseins, are attempts to save catch-up modernity” in the Middle East.

Russian President Vladimir Putin stands in the same line, emphasized Sergey Kurginyan. “This is an attempt to save Russian modernity, the Russian nation-state in the broadest sense of the word,” he noted.

When they talk about conservatism today, they mean conservatism as saving modernity, the political scientist noted. Those who presents it as saving modernity, in turn, oppose the forces of postmodernity – an “absolutely anti-humanistic” filth “hostile to Man and humanity.”

“A struggle between the forces that have claimed they will save US modernity and the forces of postmodernity is underway. Making America great again means building modernity. Conservatism is the conservatism of saving modernity. All this liberalism and democracy is a rejection of modernity. A revolutionary rejection in favor of a postmodernist unbelievable filth! Absolutely anti-humanist, hostile to Man and humanity,” Sergey Kurginyan added.

One may say that Trump, on the one hand, of course, is not Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who led the US in 1933-1945 and was ready to cooperate with the USSR, but on the other hand, he represents the “remnants of modernity” who want to fight “postmodern filth,” the political scientist explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency