Kurginyan: NATO’s disintegration spells more problems than benefits for Russia

24.01.2025, Aleksandrovskoye.

The collapse of NATO promises more problems than benefits for Russia, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on January 9 in an interview to Republican Channel One in Donetsk.

“The thing is that NATO, the way it operates now, is more of a temporarily restraining factor than an escalatory one,” the political scientist explained.

As an example, Kurginyan cited Article 5 of the alliance’s charter, which forces all its members to engage in military action in the event of an attack on one of them, which restrains the aggression of some of its members.

“But if this does not happen, we can get much more harm from certain unexpected factors than from NATO. For example: it could happen along our entire southern and western borders,” Kurginyan said.

It is already clear how the escalation in the Arctic will take place, the political scientist noted.

“The idea of buying Greenland, which was voiced by Trump, is a separate issue. But it is clear where it is all heading. It is aimed at dominance in the so-called circumpolar zone,” Kurginyan emphasized.

According to the political scientist, it is believed that the Arctic zone will become the most strategically important in about 10 years. The fight for it can be seen right from the beginning of 2025.

Kurginyan estimated the likelihood that the new US President Donald Trump, fulfilling his election promises, “will make a certain palliative peaceful step… Such a possibility is equal to, say, 30%. But it is not 50%, but much less.

Even in this case, Russia will not have any strategic, as well as operational or tactical gains, emphasized the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

All we can do is to get the job done (in Ukraine Rossa Primavera News Agencys note),” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency