24.01.2025, Aleksandrovskoye.
The Great October Revolution of 1917 gave the world an opportunity to move along the path of faith in Man’s ascension, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on December 27 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.
The philosopher noted that the modern era or modern period was dominated by bourgeois humanism, which stated that Man had to be rational in order to develop and ascend. This approach stipulated that Man would do everything rationally and because of this would ascend faster than in previous eras. World War I marked the collapse of this concept.
“There were endless talking that the world was uniting, and indeed, by 1913 globalization was higher than it had been in 1908. They were talking about this and then – bang! – this incomprehensible, bloody, monstrous war emerged. And they started pondering ‘Oh dear, how could this end like this?’” Kurginyan described the situation.
The philosopher recalled that by that time the Romantics had already criticized capitalist society as extremely unjust. It was said to be drowning all values “in the icy water of egotistical calculation,” Kurginyan noted, quoting The Communist Manifesto.
“And they they also witnessed the war: ‘Oh dear, what to do, how horrible everything is.’ Then the Russian revolution occurred. Here! All the ideals will be realized by Russians on a new basis, they will add social democracy to political democracy, it will be something else entirely new,” Kurginyan said.
Bourgeois anti-fascist forces found common basis with the Soviet Union. Thomas Mann said that “on the basis of our common will for the improving of humanity, we, the bourgeoisie, can unite with the Soviets”.
“Roosevelt wanted such uniting, not to mention Harry Hopkins [trusted deputy to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt] and his other supporters, who always admired this Soviet system. It doesn’t matter, we will move in this duality, and we will be there moving somewhere to these incredible heights,” the philosopher noted.
Kurginyan pointed out that the dispute over which path of humanism was correct – through private property or through social equality – was secondary, humanism was the main issue.
“The Bolsheviks said ‘new humanism, new Man’. We continue to worship Man and humanism. It was said, ‘From the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom’, ‘In the realm of freedom we will pave our road with might and main’,” the philosopher recalled.
The philosopher pointed out that any regularity can be considered as necessity. “And what is freedom? It is the world of true history. This is the world when we are no longer ruled by interests, but by a single bright ideal of human ascension. It has a cosmic character,” Kurginyan emphasized.
And this approach was unified throughout the world. “The only thing I want to convey here is that it has been the same desire, the same passion all the time,” the philosopher noted. He emphasized that without this approach there could be no science in the modern sense, no culture, and no “sense of the human meaning of existence.”
Without this sense of approach there is no concept of history, where it is directed, where it moves. And with this view of Man comes “a unity of people of religion who thought that God was ruling it all.” “And the unity of atheistic people, who replaced faith in God with faith in Man and therefore were not atheists in a sense,” Kurginyan emphasized.
The program discussed the collapse of the humanist project, which prioritized human development.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency