24.01.2025, Aleksandrovskoye.
According to the law of uneven development in a capitalist world, the conflict between the USA and China will inevitably escalate, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on January 10 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.
Kurginyan noted that since the moment when the Soviet system collapsed, thus making the whole world “bourgeois in the first approximation,” all the problems inherent to this kind of a world resumed.
“One of such problem is determined by the law of uneven development by a man named Hilferding. Later, Lenin in his work Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, which was not the worst of his works and a very talented one, more or less sorted [this] out using Hilferding and referring to him,” the political scientist said.
“According to the law of uneven development, there are old bourgeois countries and new one. The new countries are free from the burdens and structural costs that the old countries have due to their leadership with their the conservatism of their bureaucracy, overfed population, and certain fatigue from their leading position,” Kurginyan noted.
“The new ones press on. Their population is more energetic, it wants to taste this leadership. Its bourgeoisie is young and fierce; it understands that the old bourgeoisie of some victorious states controls it retarding its development, but it feels courage etc.,” he stressed.
As a result of this unevenness, sooner or later the old countries find it necessary to restrain the younger capitalist countries. And world wars take place, the political scientist explained.
“A brilliant illustration to this was World War One. The old country that dominated in that world, where it managed to become the bourgeois leader, was England. England was the first to go through bourgeois revolutions, and it was prompt to take advantage of feudal complications e.g. in Spain (the Inquisition etc.) in order to go to the bourgeois footing in every sense,” Kurginyan said.
The political scientist reminded the words by a Schiller’s hero, Marquis De Posa, “with a mother’s arms, Elizabeth welcomes the fugitives,” which meant the emigration of Jews to England and the Netherlands as they fled from persecution by Felipe II and his inquisitors.
“She (Queen Elizabeth I of England – Rossa Primavera News Agency) later, under the House of Hanover, completely relocated them all from the Netherlands to her home country thus boosting its growth. She always was quite libertarian,” Kurginyan noted.
“During the Hundred Years’ War between England and France, the Englishmen sang, ‘Without the yeoman (free minor landowners – Rossa Primavera News Agency) in his green jacket with his bended stick with a goose feather – meaning the bow – the enemy would have taken the whole England with all the lords and gentry and all their goods,’” the thinker illustrated the spirit of that era.
Then the period of enclosures came that gradually eliminated the English agricultural sector, Kurginyan reminded, which boosted piracy and colonization.
“This liberated bureaucracy rushed ahead. And it left everyone else behind, and it began to suppress them. Suppressing them, it got some fat and fatigue, and it bent under its colonial burden, so it was not too swift anymore like a fat cat overfed with colonial cream so that it cannot catch mice,” the political scientist explained.
At this moment, Kurginyan, England faced a new competitor, Germany.
“The Germans longed for unity, they were separated, they got absolutely new capitalist opportunities, all these Krupps etc., a new hard power, Reich etc.,” Kurginyan noted. “Reich wanted a place in the sun. The German major capital could not exist without Alsace and Lorraine and raw materials. It had to conquer France, and as soon as it conquers France it straightens its shoulders. It needs colonies, it needs the Berlin – Baghdad road. It wants to seize oil and all the colonial capabilities that England has.”
Germany wanted to take part of the colonies, but the old countries refused to give them up.
“Then an arms race begins. France screams it needs Alsace and Lorraine back. And all this results in the collision of World War One,” Kurginyan stressed.
According to him, after the world became almost completely bourgeois in 1991, a similar situation cannot but repeat. The main axis of confrontation is between the United States and China.
“Simply the model of these old and new countries becomes complicated due to the fact that the first world, or the Western world, the world of Modernity, had to feed its working class to prevent it from supporting the Soviet Union as well as to demonstrate the advantages of capitalism to the whole world,” the political scientist explained.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency