Kurginyan names Russia’s big mistake when the USA overthrew Gadhafi

11.01.2025, Moscow.

In 2011, when Libyan political leader Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown, Russia made a major political mistake by watching the events in the expectation of a “reset” in relations with the United States, philosopher, political scientist, and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on December 14 on the Conversation with the Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

Analyzing the series of “color revolutions” in the Middle East in the context of the sudden collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s rule in Syria, the political scientist noted that those in the US who organized these coups “obviously bet on chaos and specifically on radical Islamism (not to be confused with the great religion of Islam).

All over the worlds, the US has long been destroying nation states that respect Islam and consider this religion part of their culture, Kurginyan recalled. The US is targeting precisely the nation states that “naturally strive for a balance between respect for religion and secularism,” the analyst says.

The US is destroying such states “with a strong Sufi element,” despite the fact that these states and the US were allies.

First, Condoleezza Rice, whom we once called Lisa, when she was Secretary of State under George Bush [the 41st US President], mentioned it in Cairo. Then Bush said it himself, and even during the Soviet era, the [US elite] stated, thatall our former allies are our enemies, all our former enemies are our allies. What a charming position! Then Bush confirmed it, and Barack Obama [the 44th US President] supported it to a greater extent – and it all began, recalled Sergey Kurginyan.

He emphasized that there was no constructive sense in overthrowing the “entirely reasonable Gaddafi regime,” under which the Libyan people lived quite well, “there was certain meaningfulness, and certain ideas about the good, and national integrity.

They destroy it, and now for many years we have been seeing a struggle between tribes. They did it because Gaddafi somehow held the national state together, and his elimination led to the collapse of this state. Well, in fact, this proof is on the table.”

Every time the US says it is “fighting for freedom in the Arab or other countries,which are striving to emerge from tribal archaism into national modernity, it is a profound lie, says Sergey Kurginyan. In 2011, Moscow took an observer position in this process, he continues.

The Kremlin was watching what is happening. And indeed, the issue was that a major political mistake was made, it was linked to the attempt to reset the policy under Obama: We shall be friends.We know what is happening in Libya now. All the systems that were there have been destroyed, the political scientist emphasized.

He also reminded of the fate of another Middle Eastern leader, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whom the USA “removed from the power and installed the Muslim Brotherhood (organization banned in Russia), who began to slaughter everyone; then, with difficulty, a general who was even harsher than Mubarak was installed.

The rule of former Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali had a similar ending (he passed away in 2019 in Saudi Arabia, which granted him political asylum).

What could have been better in terms of coexistence and maintaining some balance between secularism, confessionalism and so on in Tunisia? I’m not even mentioning Gaddafi. Let’s not forget former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who also personified a national, confessional balance, strict power, and the unity of the state, Kurginyan says.

And in the same vein, we can talk about former Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. “This is one common process. We cannot take something out of this.

The US is destroying secular systems in these states, “they are destroying Arab modernity.” And they are taking everything back to tribal archaism, or, as they now say, the archaic future, the analyst concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency