Kurginyan: If Man does not ascend, he degenerates

28.12.2024, Moscow.

The lack of prospects for Man’s ascension immediately gives rise to a human degradation, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on November 15 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

Humans are “the only living creatures on the planet that destroy not to feed themselves, and they constantly improve the weapon of murder, the analyst explains. Therefore, it is very important that it can be countered.

If there is a prospect for Man’s ascension, then humanity can be saved, Sergey Kurginyan emphasized.

“So, either Man ascends, or there is some prospect of the ascension of Man, a very significant ascension – call him Man with a capital letter or whatever you want, consider that he ascends on the paths of some independence or on the paths of connection with transcendent forces – it does not matter how this will be implemented, but in any case, either it is implemented, and then the planet and humanity can be saved,” the political scientist said.

This is called humanism, the analyst added. But if there is no human ascension, then “everyone are doomed.

As soon as human ascension is over, there will be degradation, and we are witnessing it,” emphasized Sergey Kurginyan.

The lack of a path for Man to ascend can lead to the self-destruction of humanity. “And it does not matter whether nuclear weapons will destroy all this, some doomsday virus or something else,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency