Kurginyan: Demonstrating compliance is deadly for Russia

28.12.2024, Moscow.

Russia in no way can demonstrate compliance, because the enemy takes it for weakness, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on December 7 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

According to him, a new world war is inevitable. President elect Donald Trump cannot help fighting China. However, the political scientist explained, Trump has no reason to give anything to the Russians “unless he gets something in return.” But Russia does not want to be “an auxiliary tool in fighting China’s People’s Liberation Army.” Therefore, Trump’s team will want to beat the Russians.

At the same time, the People’s Republic of China cannot be called communist, it is rather “a young capitalist power” and “a new imperialist predator,” the political scientist explained.

This war will happen. It will happen anyway. And they hate the Russians. We must not be despised, this is important,” Sergey Kurginyan stressed.

In his point of view, Russia in no way can “attempt to show even slightest weakness” or “demonstrate compliance” because this would “terribly infuriate” its enemies and make them attack.

The philosopher explained that an infuriated enemy can only be stopped with a strong counterblow. “Someone thinks that you made a minor concession. When this happens, his nostrils flare, his eyes become red, he jumps – and then you have to stop him with a counterblow. Not pushing him back with your hand, but making a counterblow.”

Sergey Kurginyan adds, “God forbid Lavrov can be right that this blow will be nuclear.”

The political scientist also noted that Russia must not hope that anyone in the world will love us some time.

If the Russians still dream about being loved by anyone it makes me feel deep regret. I think that any hope for this kind of love, like ‘we do not agree without love’ as one bard sang, is the only source of the Russian death in the 21st century. We must not do that,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement stressed.

You may trade or move whatever you want, but you must imply that sooner or later you will roar and place such a card on the table that they will be scared and want to comply with it. You know, there is a level of dominance when they will want to say, ‘I am here near it, too.’ It is either this or a merciless leap,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency