Kurginyan: Russia can only win against the USA if it has “overwhelming strength”

28.12.2024, Moscow.

Russia can take advantage of political tensions in the USA, but it can only win if it “an overwhelming strength,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on December 7 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

Describing the difference between the republican and the democratic parties of the United States, the political scientist said that nothing can be more disgusting than the contemporary American democrats.

This has nothing to do with the classical Western democracy. This is a sort of a post-modernist scum. Anti-human, anti-humanistic, perversive, disgusting,” Kurginyan stressed.

Those who see this naturally begin to drift towards friendship with the conservatives, Kurginyan noted. Because for a long time all the left-wing forces in the world have nothing to do with the communists of the past like Palmiro Togliatti (the leader of the communist Party of Italy in 1927-1934 and 1938-1964) or Maurice Thorez (the leader of the French Communist Party in 1930-1964).

[The radical leftists] are something perversive and disgusting, totally controlled by the USA, destructive, corruptive, and blatantly anti-humane,” Kurginyan added.

However, Kurginyan warned against any convergence with Western conservatives.

A drowning man can grab at a conservative. But we know that sometimes a drowning man can grab at a snake,” the political scientist noted.

According to the political scientist, even as persons the republicans are better than the democrats, but we cannot reduce it to this comparison.

They are better as persons. Everyone discussed John Kennedy, but Nixon was much more decent than Kennedy. Much more decent as a person. And he was quite ready to be friends with Brezhnev as Kennedy with Khrushchev,” Kurginyan reminded.

The problem is that… the conservative ‘decency’ hides such a Russophobia inside that leaves behind any hatred that all the minorities can feel,” the philosopher noted.

According to Kurginyan, the republicans have a stronger military spirit and feeling of domination than the democrats.

The democrats are a Carthage, i.e. they corrupt and deprave. While [the republicans] are a real Rome. It can only think in terms of domination,” the political scientist stressed.

Therefore, take advantage of tensions, find a pragmatic niche… maybe bribe someone – all that is possible. Our diplomats and security services are not bad. They can successfully deal with all this peculiarities, and they have been doing not as poorly as one could expect,” Kurginyan described the performance of Russia’s foreign policy.

Kurginyan noted that we can “take advantage of tensions” and search for “pragmatic niches,” but a very powerful enforcement structure is necessary in order to really defend Russia against the Western will to destroy it.

The only thing that can dramatically reduce their desire for the Russian death is Russia’s overwhelming strength. Overwhelming! When they see something like ‘Oh my God’ then they will show some sort of a kind tone,” Kurginyan said.

According to the leader of Essence of Time, Russia will need overwhelming strength in any event, regardless of whether any ceasefire happens or not. Because greater wars will take place in the world order that is forming now.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency