26.12.2024, Moscow.
The terrorist attack on the Ursa Major cargo ship could be revenge against Russia for the North-South Transport Corridor, political scientist Aleksandr Perendzhiev, an associate professor at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University, said, Abzats wrote on December 26.
“We have long been engaged in a battle of transportation corridors with the West. [The terrorist attack on the Ursa Major] is revenge for the North-South International Transportation Corridor, which we are building together with our partners,” the expert said.
Perendzhiev recalled the threats that have also been voiced against the Northern Sea Route, as well as the development of NATO infrastructure in the Pacific Ocean.
The ship’s owner earlier said that the sinking of the Ursa Major cargo ship in the Mediterranean Sea on December 23 was caused by three explosions on board, which led to a 50-by-50 centimeter hole.
In the opinion of retired Captain First Rank Vasily Dandykin, voiced in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the explosives on board the cargo ship could have been placed back in St. Petersburg. He also noted that the organizers of the terrorist attack were aware of the ship’s vulnerabilities.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency