Kurginyan: The West has been divided at least since the Trojan War

21.12.2024, Moscow.

The West as a civilization and community is not monolithic, and fundamental splits in it can be followed into high antiquity, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on November 29 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.

The political scientist referred to the example of Catholic Rome and Orthodox Greece. “Two Christian countries! But they are different! This is an alternative West, it adopted the Orthodox faith, and the Orthodox faith is a way to be alternative,” he explained.

As he turned to earlier history, Sergey Kurginyan reminded that when Roman legions brought Greece to a condition that was “appropriate” for an imperial province, they put signs “Revenge for Troy” at the cities they destroyed. This means that the Roman civilization identified itself with the Trojan one and the Greek civilization with the Achean one.

Thus, at least since the Trojan War, then Virgil (Roman poet of the 1st century B.C.E.) and much later there has been an idea inside the West that Rome and Greece are different. It produced Byzantium, and something of Byzantium migrated to us,” the leader of Essence of Time stressed.

Sergey Kurginyan also noted that it would be a huge and unacceptable simplification to believe that the West is monolithic; in particular, it would be incorrect to call ancient Greece and Rome parts of the West in spite of almost identical pantheon of their gods.

What is Saturn? It is Cronos. Jupiter, Zeus are seemingly the same, but they are so different. And it stems from even deeper horizons. And Rus is something absolutely different,” the philosopher concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency