26.11.2024, Moscow.
The goal of the United States is to stop China, which means that we are moving toward war, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on November 15 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.
According to political scientist, the return of Donald Trump to power put a classic bourgeois model back on the agenda, which emerged in the early 20th century when the principle of uneven development under imperialism was formulated. This concept was introduced by Rudolf Hilferding and later referenced by Vladimir Lenin in his book Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, Sergey Kurginyan explained.
“Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, just like The State and Revolution, are excellent works for understanding the evolution of capitalism in Russia, very valuable” the political scientist noted.
Sergey Kurginyan highlighted that these works underscore how emerging powers inevitably gain momentum in their development and that war becomes the only means for capitalism to halt them. This is how the British Empire stopped Germany in the 1910s, he emphasized.
According to the political scientist, this is what has been said quite confidently by all political parties in the United States that their goal is to stop China.
“They simply cannot afford not to stop China. Where is the polyphony [a concept of harmonic world order when each state plays its role and voices of all states must be heard, as proposed by Vladimir Putin in 2024 at the Valdai discussion club – translator’s note] here, do you see? Should it be achieved on the basis of a dream, regarding which I am in absolute solidarity with the president of Russia. Where is the polyphony here? How will it be achieved? At the expense of what? At the expense of the complete collapse of the American empire, as you propose? Well, the head of the regional committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union may hang himself in the bunker, but the masters of the USA are more likely to strangle everyone else first [paraphrase of Soviet philosopher and dissident Alexander Zinoviev’s statement claiming that Soviet leaders would have never given up their political power – translator’s note]. So, we are moving towards war,” Essence of Time’s leader said.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency