24.11.2024, Moscow.
The defeat of the democrats at the US presidential elections can’t help but be perceived as something positive, because what they did while in power was “anti-human and disgusting,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on November 15 on the program Conversation with a Sage on radio Zvezda.
As an example describing the situation in the USA Sergey Kurginyan quoted the verses by a Soviet dissident and songwriter Aleksandr Galich:
So, all of us with blood on our faces
Will go towards the bright end,
While you, bastard, in Israel
Will eat your matzah!
We stand for peace,
We prepare for war!
“Thus, ‘all of us with blood on our faces’ are moving towards ‘the bright end.’ This is the meaning of Trump’s victory. They [the democrats] feared something, and they thought they would corrupt and pervert the world. Nothing on Earth can be worse that the condition the US Democratic Party reached by Trump’s election. There can be nothing as anti-human and disgusting,” the philosopher explained.
Sergey Kurginyan added that in this situation the defeat of the US Democratic Party is something positive despite the problems that cam come with Donald Trump winning the presidential elections.
“Simply because it has been suddenly demonstrated that there are people who reject all this endless filth like the vaccination hysteria, all the gender issues etc. Man is still not a sort of plasticine to take any shape. And this side of what has happened in the USA is significant, it cannot be ignored,” the political scientist explained.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency