Kurginyan names problems empires face upon collapse

09.09.2024, Moscow.

An empire cannot be divided into parts that would later avoid any contradictions, both internal and between each other, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 23 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

Kurginyan noted that the so-called independent states that formed upon the collapse of the Soviet Union are live organisms which began to live their own, very complicated and “very unpleasant life.” He stressed that this is a consequence of the disintegration of an empire, which is typical not only of the Soviet Union.

Empire is a very complicated term. There are colonial empires, and there are empires like the Soviet Union, the Ottoman Empire, or the Austro-Hungarian Empire, i.e. continental ones. Among these, the Soviet Union was the most complimentary towards the other parts of the population, and so was the Russian Empire. But any empire, when it comes to its disintegration, dismemberment, division, immediately begins to produce two basic problems,” Kurginyan said.

The first problem, according to the political scientist, is that the parts of the empire turn out to be more repressive towards minorities than the big empire was. As an example, Kurginyan referred to Georgia, which has been more repressive towards Abkhazia and Ossetia than the USSR was.

Second. If there is a basic nation, then parts of this basic nation are abandoned on the separated territories. There must be someone who separated these parts and a reason why they were separated; this was not their organic intention. Therefore, those who separated them will increasingly indoctrinate these parts against the core remaining after the empire, which is Russia in our case,” Kurginyan explained.

He noted that all these processes in general cannot be peaceful, and they are not a unique pattern related to the disintegration of the USSR. This is global historical practice.

Empires can never be divided, especially when they collapse quite spontaneously, into parts having no claims against each other. And these parts can never be made complimentary towards each other. Therefore, such a disintegration will always entail some processes, including military ones,” the political scientist said.

The most vivid evidence of this concept, according to Kurginyan, is what happened when India, former UK’s colony, was decolonized. British India was big, and it included everything that remained after the previous Indian history. And as soon as the disintegration of British India took place, the Englishmen did their best to plant all possible kinds of time bombs into the newly formed parts, the political scientist noted.

First of all, the notorious India-Pakistan one. They planted it to make Islamic Pakistan non-complimentary towards substantially non-Islamic India, where along with a large Islamic population the majority is nevertheless Hindu, not Islamic. A conflict arose, and this conflict definitely affected issues that always arise on a territory separated into A and B where there is A inside B and B inside A. This cannot be cut like pieces of sausage. Thus, India-Pakistan conflicts, or wars, appeared around Jammu and Kashmir,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency