Kurginyan outlines possible response to statements about war between NATO and Russia

17.03.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The statement made by French President Macron about the possibility of sending NATO troops to Ukraine is another “test of character” for Russia, and it will require a response, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on March 5 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

This is a part of the same thing: a public opinion test, and a preparation for the new topic – a future war between NATO and Russia. How should we approach this? How should we respond to this? How long will they be testing our character for, because they do it all the time, Kurginyan emphasized.

According to the political scientist, in this situation we can consider three types of reactions: tactical, or military; diplomatic; and strategic.

There is only one possible tactical reaction – winning and keep winning, and strengthening our defense capabilities more and more,” the expert explained.

In terms of diplomacy – keep moving forward these red lines as much as possible. And in this sense, the event that happened is part of a scandal; something for our diplomats to exploit; something which may give us the opportunity to continue pushing the red lines for some more time, added the expert.

Strategically speaking, we need a different defense capability, a different military potential, the kind that would not allow anyone to even dare threaten us, concluded Kurginyan.

Speaking about the nature of the challenge, the political scientist recalled that the war in Ukraine, “in which the Western countries are not participating directly, is referred to as a middle war, in which rival countries are sort of measuring their capabilities. According to the concept, a middle war allows to identify the real capabilities among rival countries, which establish the zones of influence based on the results of the conflict. However, the West, which initially appealed to a “middle war” concept in Ukraine, stopped doing this and switched to the rhetoric of an “existential war”, that is, a war to the end.

Now, they say something different. Has anyone heard it? They do not say that certain evaluations will take place, and its results will affect this or that peace agreement. They say that this is an existential war that they cannot lose, the political scientist explained.

The political scientist drew a parallel with the novel by English writer Graham Greene, “The Quiet American”, which described the events of the First Indochina War, when France tried to preserve its colonies. “There was a national liberation war between the Vietnamese and the French, the Battle of Dien Bien Phu and everything else. Then the CIA got in there. Then the CIA began to do this, that, and the other: a small expeditionary force, a large expeditionary force, and further more,” Kurginyan recalled the developments in Vietnam.

According to the political scientist, Russia must be prepared for a similar course of events, and that behind individual minor events they may be running tests for possibly “transforming this conflict into an open confrontation with the direct participation of the US and NATO.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency