15.03.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.
The contemporary military strategy has a concept of a major but still conventional war, which is called a mid-intensity war, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher, political scientist and analyst Sergey Kurginyan said on March 7 in a new issue of his original broadcast Destiny.
When during World War One the concept of blitzkrieg failed, its author, Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von Moltke, was dismissed from his posts. Instead, “someone else comes who begins to justify and carry out a positional war; as no blitzkrieg is possible, something else has to be done,” Kurginyan noted.
“This ‘someone else,’ for Moltke and World War One, was Falkenhayn, who conceptualized all that experience,” the political scientist said. He stressed that Erich von Falkenhayn replaced Moltke as head of the German General Staff under an order of Emperor Wilhelm himself.
Falkenhayn was the one who conceptualized the experience of the early phase of World War One. He “explained how positional war should be carried out, how to make breakthroughs, how to mill enemy’s forces in them, and how to ensure a final attrition. However, he did not complete this concept,” Kurginyan noted.
“And when Ludendorff and Hindenburg came again, it was already all over for Germany,” the political scientist concluded the description of the German strategic experience in World War One.
The philosopher noted that this experience “was analyzed, in particular, by Russian and Soviet generals, and it was actively used in the Great Patriotic War.” Also, this kind of a strategy was used later, too, when major masses of troops were involved in conflicts, but no nuclear arms were used.
The appearance of the nuclear arms dramatically changed the military strategy. “When someone uses bombs of twenty or thirty or fifty megatons for strategic attacks, there is no sense to discuss what we will build on the ruins, because the civilization is over,” Kurginyan stressed.
Meanwhile, the concept of a major but conventional war still exists separately. One of its versions is called a mid-intensity war, the political scientist indicated.
Kurginyan noted that within this concept, major nuclear powers should measure their strength with each other in a major but limited conventional war. The results of such a conflict are supposed to determine the post-war configuration of global influence.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency