03.03.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.
The fourth era of “the end of history” declared by US philosopher Francis Fukuyama will be an era of the ultimate will to power and thus of strengthening fascism worldwide, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on February 20 in his original broadcast Destiny.
He explained that Fukuyama, despite of all the hype around him, is not at all a philosophical authority, in contrast to his teacher, Soviet emigrant Alexandre Kojève who promoted the ideas of German philosopher Hegel.
“According to Kojève, there are four types of authority. Those are the authority of the God, i.e. theocracy, priesthood; the authority of the father or a [major] project, i.e. the authoritarian authority; the authority of the judge; and the fourth kind of authority, which emerges and dominates when the other ones are lacking, is the authority of the master over the slave,” Kurginyan reminded.
The political scientist noted that the authoritarian authority is now facing strong confrontation in the West, where they call Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and many others their enemies. He added that theocracy in the world today obviously does not dominate, while the judicial authority, i.e. the authority of the law, has been trampled and substituted by some abstract “rules” that anyone interprets to his own benefit.
“They [the West] have attacked everyone: al-Assad, Milosevic, Gaddafi, Ben Ali, Mubarak who licked their boots, etc.,” the political scientist stressed the West’s will to dismantle any authoritarian authority and national development projects everywhere.
Kurginyan told that the key principle to discriminate masters from slaves that philosophers suggested is the liberation from the fear of death.
“Suppose two airplanes are going to ram each other, figuratively. The one who turns aside is the slave, and the one who does not is the master. The master is he who has shown to the slave that he is not afraid to die,” the author stressed.
According to him, the Islamists’ terrorist war is, among other things, a way to find out who is the slave and who is the master. And this war mercilessly reveals two facts: firstly, that a technological power of an army cannot guarantee its military success; and secondly, that the developed countries clearly demonstrate their effeminacy and sensitivity resulting in unpreparedness to suffer military casualties.
“For a man in a cheap car it it not a problem to take a bomb and explode himself, and he takes a hundred lives. Meanwhile, those whose lives are taken do have a problem with losing a couple thousand people. And they quickly retreat after their casualties become unacceptable for them. Because they are effeminate and sensitive,” the philosopher explained this collision.
However, Kurginyan continued, it is ultimately not reduced to the issue of masters and slaves discriminated by their attitude to the fear of death, but it is about absolute domination. He noted that it was described not by Kojève but by a much greater German philosopher Martin Heidegger who researched the heritage of Friedrich Nietzsche.
“Heidegger simply said, as he interpreted Nietzsche’s heritage, that the ultimate metaphysics is the metaphysics of the will to power. Metaphysics will not be gone completely, but it will be a bare metaphysics of the will to power,” the philosopher told, and he stressed that the metaphysics of the will to power implies unconditional domination, i.e. pure fascism.
He noted that what is now happening to Ukraine is just “first steps towards something greater,” i.e. towards the return of the practices of Nazism and fascism to the world, which will be supposed to permanently eliminate any signs of humanism from the world.
Kurginyan added that the technological boom of robotics and artificial intelligence only exacerbates the issue of the destiny of Man and humanity in the world, i.e. the issue of the destiny of humanism in the 21st century. On the other side of this issue, a process of Man’s degeneration is speeding up to transform him into an effeminate and infantile being.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency