Cheap drones could make up for lack of soldiers. Opinion

21.02.2024, Moscow.

Modern FPV drones can operate without operator input and are effective enough to compensate for the lack of manpower on the battlefield, according to the report from the theater of war, published in The Essence of Time newspaper, issue 573.

The Economist writes that the “killer” drones that first appeared in Ukraine are a weapon of the future that changes the balance between people and technology in warfare. The publication notes that the US GPS-guided smart artillery shells are expensive, so there are few of them.

It is noted that FPV drones cannot be a substitute for artillery because they have a short range, carry a small payload and do not cope well with bad weather. But they can cost only a few hundred dollars and can be printed in any basement on a 3D printer. They are also evolving towards autonomous navigation and target recognition.

“Such drones no longer require operator input, but are capable of searching, selecting and hitting targets on their own. At the same time, these drones are quite cheap and may well compensate for the lack of manpower on the battlefield, inflicting critical damage on the enemy,” The Essence of Time editorial reads.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency