15.02.2024, Moscow.
Russia must preserve the memory of the soldiers who bravely and heroically fought on Afghan soil, defending their homeland, Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote in a telegram to the participants of a memorial evening on February 15, the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan 35 years ago.
“We will always keep the memory of the fallen heroes who fought courageously on the Afghan soil, defending the fatherland,” Putin emphasized.
According to him, not only soldiers and officers, but also teachers, construction workers and workers of many other peaceful professions selflessly fulfilled their duty on the Afghan soil. They acted honorably with fearlessness and courage and carried their nobility and mercy through the hardships of this war.
According to him, nowadays, some of the Afghan veterans volunteered to fight back against the deployment of the current anti-Russian hypostasis of Ukraine.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency