Kurginyan tells how to respond to escalating attacks on Russian territory

13.02.2024, Moscow.

Attacks on Russian territory will escalate, and Russia has to change its condition in response, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on January 27 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

A closer look at how the attacks on Russian territory are taking place clearly shows that they are escalating, and escalating rapidly,” Kurginyan said.

According to him, we urgently need a total air defense coverage. Kurginyan noted that a discussion on how to achieve this is already taking place.

All this indicates how we should take the Ukrainian incident. We must treat it as existential to the fullest extent. To the end. There is no price we would not pay for the victory. I do not mean human casualties, the political scientist said.

Kurginyan wondered why nevertheless one figures of military expenses are claimed today but different figures are claimed later. Furthermore, he noted that still different figures are necessary, and that nothing bad will happen if Russia has a military budget of 10-15%.

10-15% of the budget spent on defense will not make any difference in ordinary people’s life, and it will not raise any inflation. The only problem is that we keep belittling the Ukrainian threat, the political scientist said.

According to Kurginyan, Russia should act in a calm and soft manner, because it currently cannot afford any sharp moves. And it will take ten years for Russia to move to the new era from its current condition, the political scientist noted.

But we should be moving in that direction understanding that those who play with us are condemned to death. Those who play with us are people who took a contract to destroy us: today they talk about these territories, tomorrow they will talk about other ones, and they already see the destruction of the Russian state as their only mission, Kurginyan stressed.

He noted that among Russia’s enemies there is a total hatred and a desire to finish our country off; therefore, we need to bring them to a condition when they will realize everything, and the only way to do so is to strengthen Russia in its current condition. To this end, according to the political scientist, we need to build a three-million completely professional army, and the should improve our defense industry to an extent when “everyone will open their mouths and say, ‘Oh my God, look what the Russians are doing!’”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency