Kurginyan explains why the West is making the Russians the main enemy of the 21st century

05.02.2024, Moscow.

The West wants to make the Russians the main enemy of the 21st century in order to remove Russia from the Security Council and to eventually dismantle the Yalta-Potsdam world order, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on January 27 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

The political scientist noted that the West has launched an extremely powerful ideological campaign combined with a rise of its defense industry. According to Kurginyan, the Western countries are doing so “to save the world from ‘terrible Russia’ and to save Ukraine from defeat, which is inevitable unless a militarization begins.”

The leader of Essence of Time reminded that similar processes have been launched in Middle East and elsewhere, and therefore he wondered what the strategic direction of these processes is. He stressed that, “on the one hand, all these speculations about ‘Russian threat’ are blatant idle talk.”

On the other hand, however, the political scientist noted, they apply all kinds of pressure all around Russia while activating its domestic processes of self-defense, having a clear understanding what it is done for. He referred to the example of the war between India and Pakistan as well as the war between Iran and Iraq, and he noted that these countries never faced such sanctions as the ones used against Russia today.

Where does this insanity come from? The point is that they need to make the Russians the main enemy of the 21st century in order to totally transform the world using this Russian case to start with,” the political scientist explained.

Sergey Kurginyan further wondered what for it is done. In his opinion, the goal is to remove Russia from the Security Council and then to change the global format.

Apparently, all these projects ultimately aim to permanently dismantle the Yalta-Potsdam world. But what kind of a world will appear on the ruins of the Yalta-Potsdam world? In view of the fact that some people whom I know and whose influence in the US policy, I am sure, is greater than Blinken’s, are directly saying that Japan must get nuclear weapons,” the leader of Essence of Time explained, and he added that if Japan gest nuclear weapons Germany will get them, too.

And if they get these weapons they will get a place in the Security Council. And if the Russians are ‘terrible orcs,’ then a new Security Council will form,” the political scientist noted.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency