Kurginyan explains under what circumstances Trump can win

05.02.2024, Moscow.

Donald Trump can only win the US presidential elections if he sells himself to the core of the US ruling class and agrees to obey it, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on January 27 on the program Right to Know on channel TVC.

The political scientist called Trump an intermediate figure. He explained that the so-called “political core of the United States ruling class” will only accept Trump if he sells himself.

They will first try to buy him. If he refuses to sell himself he will be destroyed. And he sells himself he will be accepted. And they are already saying, ‘This good guy Biden is somewhat weak. The other one seems to be stronger. Could we buy him and use him?’ But if they begin to use him, please pay attention to the statement that Trump will give more supplies to Ukraine than Biden,” the leader of Essence of Time explained.

Besides, Sergey Kurginyan suggested that a situation should be considered when Trump refuses to do so, and even a fantastic situation when Trump withdraws the US from NATO.

Let us imagine such an impossible phantasmagoria. What will he do? He will undo one single knot: Europe will be able to wage a conventional war… without any NATO’s responsibility. ‘We wash our hands. Our missiles will not fly to Russia, and Russian missiles will not fly to us. And we do not care where they will fly in Europe, let us look into this later,’ the US ruling class says,” the political scientist said.

Kurginyan wondered what will happen afterwards. In his opinion, despite any speculations about the rights of Latin or African Americans in the US, “this will produce a blatant American Nazism.” And then, the political scientist noted, Trump by no means will be the one who governs it.

It is not Trump who will govern, but certain parts of the US armed forces will, the so-called Northern [Command]. This is who will govern in this case. And then it will become clear that all this picture is a picture of Nazification,” Kurginyan said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency