31.01.2024, Berlin.
With all its actions, the German government is fulfilling the will of international finance capital, which is formed at the World Economic Forum (WEF), writes German publicist Felix Feistel in a commentary for the Apolut news platform on January 30.
According to the publicist, the WEF is fueling a war that benefits mainly the US investment company Blackrock and the agriculture business, imposing climate transition on everyone while destroying Germany’s food security and ecology. Feistel notes that Western democracy is increasingly being transformed into a dictatorship, and this transformation has begun to materialize especially quickly while fighting the declared coronavirus pandemic.
Since then, freedoms have been abolished more and more, opposition has been banned and persecuted, and surveillance in public places has expanded. Meanwhile, the German government is digitalizing: from the vaccination certificate to establishing total control over citizens with the European digital identity and the digital euro.
Feistel writes that the German government does not care about people. This became abundantly clear during the forced coronavirus vaccination campaign, which led to an increase in deaths and a large number of serious side effects.
The publicist claims that in Germany in 2022 the excess deaths amounted to 100,000. However, vaccine-affected people are not receiving any help, despite the fact that they were literally forced to be vaccinated.
The “green agenda” also aggravates the situation of German citizens. It is reported that every household must install smart meters that will monitor energy consumption. Feistel points out that these meters, as well as solar panels on the roof of every house, are accompanied by an increased level of electromagnetic radiation and can have a detrimental effect on human health.
By forcing German citizens to pay extra money out of their pockets for the “climate transition,” the government is building LNG terminals near protected areas. Germany is thus making itself dependent on dirty gas produced by hydraulic fracturing in the United States.
Feistel writes that the installation of wind turbines and solar power plants is damaging to the environment. And the production of electric cars, according to the publicist, is one of the most toxic processes in modern industry. At the same time, more and more restrictions are being placed on people.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency